Preparation + Aftercare

We expect so much from hair extensions, yet we don’t always put in the work to take care of them. Hair extensions require work, as they are not like our own hair. The better you take care of your weft/tape in hair extensions, the longer they will last. With our own hair, we have natural oils that keep the hair healthy, but this is not the case with hair extensions. You want to maintain the beautiful quality so you can reuse and re-tape your tape in extensions and maintain your wefts by following these tips.

​Once hair extensions are cut, they require much more care to make the hair last, especially semi-permanent hair extensions, because these hair extensions are worn everyday. Here are great tips to care for human hair extensions. Hair extensions must be cared for daily, you cannot wash and go. We know many girls who have worn our hair extensions for months and have reused them over and over. The key to their success has been taking care of the hair every day following guidelines below.

Preparation for Hair Extension Installation

· Clarifying shampoo before going to your installation appointment is key. Please ensure hair is oil free. It is best if you thoroughly cleanse the day of application if possible. A clarifying shampoo is provided at your initial consultation and booking appointment free of charge.

· Conditioner must not be used before application of hair. It is a vital step as not following this rule can/will lead to premature slipping.

· Please have hair completely dried and flat ironed smooth before your install appointment.

Failing to follow these rules may lead to your appointment being postponed and moved to another time as hair extensions will not be installed on unprepared hair and a rescheduling fee ($75) will be applied.


· We strongly recommend that clients have a consultation before any semi-permanent extensions are applied and that a qualified professional applies any professional hair extensions. We offer fusion (k-tips), i-tips, handtied extensions & tape-in extensions.

· Hair extensions need regular maintenance appointments, as your own hair will grow by approximately 1.5 inches within three months. We recommend tape in maintenance appointments every 4-8 weeks, handtied extension maintenance every 5-8 weeks depending on your hair growth, strength of hair and care given at home in between appointments.

· If maintenance appointments are not kept and the above aftercare advice is not followed, Katrina Molson cannot and will not be held responsible for any damage done to your own hair or the hair extensions.​

· Not everyone is a suitable candidate for hair extensions. Please fill out the online booking consultation form to book a discuss with an extension specialist today to find out options. Some colours and lengths are custom order in only and may take up to 2-4 weeks to complete.


· The lifespan of your hair extensions will depend on the aftercare. I do not guarantee a definitive lifespan on any types of hair extensions due to them being a natural consumable product. Factors include personal care of the hair, product use/misuse, chemical damage and heat damage. Most extensions offered should last 8-12 months depending on chosen method.

· I do not recommend silver/purple shampoos and toners, as these can damage the cuticle which will affect the lifespan of your hair extensions. This is a chemical treatment done at your own risk!

· I do not recommend colour on hair extensions. Any colouring of extensions is done entirely at the customer’s own risk.

· Light blonde coloured hair extensions will have a shorter life span due to the bleach content during production.

· Lighter shades will also require more care and less heat application to increase the lifespan of your hair extensions.

· Wash hair maximum 2 times a week with our recommended products only. I do not recommend any drug store/costco/grocery store brands. All of my recommendations are below. Excess washing and styling will damage the cuticle and decrease the lifespan of your hair extensions. Please do not use 'cheap' drugstore branded products on your new investment as many contain harsh and abrasive chemicals that strip the extensions leading to premature tangling and matting. It is highly encouraged to purchase a tried and tested extension product line as discussed below. Not all professional products are safe for extension care.

· Take care of your hair extensions as you would your own natural hair and remember that like your natural hair, your extensions can be easily damaged with too much heat. Using heat on hair extensions will reduce their lifespan. Avoid applying heat to the bond attachment site.

Lifestyle Tips

· Strictly avoid salt water including ocean and salt/chlorinated pools - it is very drying and can discolour hair especially blondes which may result in orange/pink hued hair tones that is almost impossible to remove.

· Chlorine content in water will damage hair extensions, causing matting via drying out the hair and discolouration (green tones); therefore, it is advisable to avoid underwater swimming and wearing a swim cap for swimming exercise.

· UV rays will discolour hair extensions and damage the cuticle which is responsible for soft hair; therefore, we advise wearing a hat in the sun and avoiding strong UV rays, this includes indoor tanning beds. Sunscreen with active ingredients oxidize in the hair, especially light and platinum toned extensions. When this occurs the hair turns a pink like hue that cannot be reversed. Invest in a mineral based sunscreen to prevent this from occurring. This happens with natural and extension hair.

· Curling irons, flat irons and heated rollers can be used on your hair extensions. However, it is advisable not to overuse heated tools as this can cause your hair extensions to dry out considerably causing breakage and snapping. Please use these tools on their lowest setting and avoid holding the tools prolonged period of time through each pass. A good temperature to keep your tools at is 300 degrees F.

· Invest in a water filter for your shower. Well water and mineral buildup can cause tangling and matting. Can be purchased on Amazon.ca/Lowes/Home Depot, I recommend the Sprite Water Filter as it is affordable and easy to use and install.

· Excessive sweat from working out, steam baths, saunas, and sea salt swimming may lessen the longevity of the extensions. Precautions should be taken to reduce the amount of exposure to these activities if you want your new extensions to have a longer wear time.

For Best Results

· Wash and condition your hair extensions with Glam Hair Extensions recommended products (below). Let the conditioner sit and soak into your hair extensions, bring your wet brush in the shower with you to brush through the conditioner before rinsing.

· When conditioning, avoid putting the product on the root area/bond area and thoroughly rinse to avoid build-up around the bond site.

· Weft wearers! You can pin and tie your extension hair back and section out the top portion of your crown to wash your natural hair if you need to refresh your crown/part in between washes.

· Avoid products that contain 'proteins' as these restructure the cuticle and can cause immediate/future matting/tangling. Over protien-izing hair is a thing and sucks all the moisture out of the hair. Avoid products made for 'thin' hair, 'boosting' 'volumizing' hair products as these are common culprits for drying out hair and causing tangles/matting to extensions of all types. Less is more when using products please understand it is all done at your own risk. I have products available for purchase that are compatible and tried and tested by me and many other clients, this is all I recommend because I know it works well and it has been personally tried and tested. I will never recommend low cost products for your new expensive investment.

· Avoid products with these words: Organic, Natural, Protein, Volumizing, Boosting, Reparative, Keratin, for 'Thin Hair', Wheat. Avoid cheap drugstore products as these products are usually responsible for moisture loss and include many hair extension harming ingredients. It is highly recommended to purchase products prescribed by me, that have been tried and tested and suitable for professional use.

· If you are using new hair products or colouring the extensions, please do a strand test and try out on a small section or one weft prior to applying it all over as if the chemicals in the products are not compatible, you do not cause damage to the entire set of hair and only need to replace one or two pieces vs the whole set. Damage caused from products/colouring services are NOT fixable and all chemical and product services are done at YOUR own risk.

· Keep hair protected from heated appliances by using a professional heat protectant spray. Use on both dry or wet hair extensions as indicated by the specific product.

· To restore shine and softness, gently comb through a light serum (a great one is Oi Oil by Davines) on wet hair focusing on mid-lengths and the ends. Apply as often as needed.

​Brushing: The extensions are attached to your natural hair and pulling them can result in pulling out your natural hair. Start brushing your hair from the bottom and then move slowly to the top. Ensure you are using a professional extension brush to avoid breakage and damage to your hair; Extension brushes that have been designed specifically for all types of hair extensions and natural hair are available for $25.

Sleeping: Never go to sleep with wet hair; always make sure your extensions are completely dry to avoid tangling. When sleeping, braid your hair extensions to avoid tangling and the cuticles from rubbing together and on your pillowcase. This braid also helps to protect your newly grown hair from matting in between the bond/bead/tape/weft and the roots. Satin or Mulberry silk pillowcases are recommended and can be purchased through online vendors. These pillowcases eliminate static and decrease rubbing which leads to damage over time by using products like cotton.

All of this information will be explained and will be reviewed at your initial extension installation appointment. Thank you for reading!